Monday, September 11, 2017

09-11-17 Chetco Bar Fire Update Curry and Josephine Counties

 09-10-17 East Chetco Bar Fire Update

This morning, Oregon National Guard members honored the 16th anniversary of September 11, 2001 at the Lake Selmac fire camp. The members raised the American flag to full staff and solemnly lowered it back to half-staff. The 162nd Infantry Regiment is based in Springfield, Oregon and was mobilized to assist with the Chetco Bar fire by Oregon Governor Kate Brown. 
Yesterday’s community information meeting in Cave Junction was attended by 170 people. Representatives from the Chetco East Zone Fire management team, Illinois Valley Fire Chief Dennis Hoke, and County Commissioner Lily Morgan presented information on fire activity status, future fire management strategies, and addressed questions from the community. 
Sunday’s Chetco East Zone Fire activity was mostly smoldering, creeping, and backing. There was only 60 acres of growth over the whole fire. Aerial observers report the most activity and smoke on the northern parts of the fire and minimal fire activity on the eastern flank, with very little open flame. Overnight relative humidity did not drop as low as expected, keeping morning fire activity minimal. 
Fire crews continue to make progress tying together long sections of old Biscuit Fire dozer-built containment lines between the fire and Highway 199, totaling approximately 50 miles of completed fire line. Hand line work has progressed in steep rocky terrain between Josephine Creek and Parker Creek. Fire line has been extended in the Silver Creek area on the northeast side of the fire. Work using masticating equipment to clear vegetation along Illinois River Road is nearly complete. Structure protection work, like brush removal and improving road access, has been completed around the communication sites at Eight Dollar Mountain. 
Today, temperatures are expected to reach a high point for the week at around 90-95 degrees with minimum relative humidity in the teens. Winds are forecast at 5-10 mph and will be out of the northeast. These conditions along with drying fuels will likely influence more active fire behavior than yesterday, with the possibility of short uphill runs if fuel conditions allow. Tomorrow is expected to be cooler than today.
Hand crews will continue work today closing small gaps in the fire lines on the eastern flank around Parker Creek headwaters, Tennessee Mountain, and Josephine Creek. Masticator equipment will remove roadside vegetation in the Rough and Ready Flat area and to the south. Dozers continue pushing to the north, reopening fire lines from the 2002 Biscuit Fire. Initial attack crews will respond to new starts and spot fires. 
Smoke: An air quality alert is in effect for Curry and Josephine counties until noon Monday. For current air quality information and forecasts go to 
Closures and Restrictions: Many areas and activities are closed or restricted due to current and expected fire activity and hazard. More details are available on People can view maps of the current Evacuation Notification areas at By typing their address into the search bar on the upper right, they can see where their home is located in relation to the current Evacuation warnings. 
Fire at a Glance:
Size: 184,267 acres
Started: July 12, 2017 by Lightning
Containment: 5%
Resources: Helicopters shared across the Chetco Bar Fire: two Type 3; two Type 2; two Type 1; three National Guard Type 1.
Ground resources on the Chetco East Zone: 11 Type 2 crews; 9 Engines; 7 Fallers; 6 Dozers; 1 Water Tender; 3 Masticators; 2 Chippers; 1 Skidder; 1 Grade

09-11-17 West (Curry) Chetco Bar Fire Update

There will be a community fire briefing in Agness on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Agness Community Building, 3927 Cougar Ln, Agness, OR 97406.

The Chetco Bar fire camp welcomed distinguished visitors on Sunday morning, including Governor Kate Brown, US Forest Service Chief Tony Tooke, Senator Ron Wyden, Major General Michael Stencel, and House Representative Peter DeFazio.

Providing for public and firefighter safety is the top priority for Great Basin Incident Management Team 1. Yesterday saw little growth despite the potential for increased fire activity. The fire area is currently experiencing a warm and dry trend that is expected to last through tomorrow. Higher than average temperatures are expected for today, along with low relative humidities and increased NW winds. This weather pattern has the potential to result in increased fire behavior, but areas of heat are scattered and recent activity has been minimal. 

Ground and aviation resources will continue to engage the fire in a safe and effective manner. Engines and hand crews will be patrolling for spot fires and working with helicopters to extinguish existing heat sources along the west side. Fire crews will continue to maintain and enhance containment on completed lines, and construct indirect and contingency lines. 

Smoke production is expected to increase today. NE winds will push smoke toward the coastal areas of Gold Beach, Brookings and south into NW California. Highway 101 and local roadways may see reduced visibility in these areas. Moderate to heavy smoke impacts are expected for inland communities surrounding the Chetco Bar fire today. Cave Junction, Grants Pass and areas east of Medford are expected to experience a slow rise in smoke conditions.

Level 3 evacuation orders for areas outside the fire perimeter were reduced to Level 2 as of Friday at 11 am. Residents are urged to remain prepared to evacuate should the need arise.

There will be a community fire briefing in Agness on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Agness Community Building, 3927 Cougar Ln, Agness, OR 97406.
The Chetco Bar fire camp welcomed distinguished visitors on Sunday morning, including Governor Kate Brown, US Forest Service Chief Tony Tooke, Senator Ron Wyden, Major General Michael Stencel, and House Representative Peter DeFazio.
Providing for public and firefighter safety is the top priority for Great Basin Incident Management Team 1. Yesterday saw little growth despite the potential for increased fire activity. The fire area is currently experiencing a warm and dry trend that is expected to last through tomorrow. Higher than average temperatures are expected for today, along with low relative humidities and increased NW winds. This weather pattern has the potential to result in increased fire behavior, but areas of heat are scattered and recent activity has been minimal.
Ground and aviation resources will continue to engage the fire in a safe and effective manner. Engines and hand crews will be patrolling for spot fires and working with helicopters to extinguish existing heat sources along the west side. Fire crews will continue to maintain and enhance containment on completed lines, and construct indirect and contingency lines.

Smoke production is expected to increase today. NE winds will push smoke toward the coastal areas of Gold Beach, Brookings and south into NW California. Highway 101 and local roadways may see reduced visibility in these areas. Moderate to heavy smoke impacts are expected for inland communities surrounding the Chetco Bar fire today. Cave Junction, Grants Pass and areas east of Medford are expected to experience a slow rise in smoke conditions.

Level 3 evacuation orders for areas outside the fire perimeter were reduced to Level 2 as of Friday at 11 am. Residents are urged to remain prepared to evacuate should the need arise.

Weather: Monday will be the warmest and hottest day of the week, which may facilitate increased fire behavior. Temperatures could increase to 87o F today, but will decline steadily throughout the week. The marine layer will be absent this morning but may return as humidities rise and temperatures decline. Relative humidity will be in the 20% range during the day on Monday, and increase to 40% at night. A sustained NE wind of 10 mph is expected Monday with gusts up to 25 mph. Wind speed will decrease Tuesday, shifting to NW at a sustained 7 mph, gusting to 12 mph. Lower temperatures and higher humidities are expected later this week with a 10% chance of precipitation forecasted for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Closures and Evacuations: Level 1 and Level 2 evacuation orders remain for portions of Brookings-Harbor and the Upper Winchuck areas. Level 3 evacuations remain for areas within the fire perimeter.

For further information on local forest area closures, see closure order:    

Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR): There is a TFR over the Chetco Bar Fire.

Fire Size: 182,284 acres
Containment: 5%
Resources: Hand Crews: 43, Helicopters: 7, Engines: 46, Dozers: 20, Water Tenders: 31
Skidders: 2
Total Personnel: 1,534
Location: 5 miles east of Brookings, OR
Started: 07/12/2017
Cause: Lightning
Incident Commanders: Beth Lund, GB Team 1, Melvin Thorton, CFPA

For more information: Visit us on Facebook:
See our InciWeb post:
Call the Information Line: 619-894-9111
Air quality information:

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